Monday, May 24, 2010

Nice Weather

It's great that we have had some hot weather. All we had been getting was rain. The sun is out and the weeds are growing much faster then the grass. The weeds have been growing so high, that you have to cut the grass every two days to keep them trimmed. Makes Lily happy as it gives her unlimited flowers to pluck. Right to her little hearts content. They all get brought in, as many as she can carry in one load. Then they are transported to whatever cup she has chosen as her vase.  We just got her and Marcus a new kiddie pool and that keeps them quite busy.

Today they spent a good 6 hours out there. Most of the day was spent either on the potty for Lily or out in the pool. Lily is just starting to potty train and she did very well today. She went all day without a diaper right up until 7 pm when bed time is supposed to be. Bed time never actually really happens on time. Most nights by time they are done fighting its more like 10 pm, by that point.  But i love having a back yard, it keeps them out of my hair. It's the cheapest things that are always the most entertaining. I love my hot weather but boy was it hot today. I don't even think the a/c did very much for anyone in the living room.